The Franciscan Center is a non-profit Incorporated 501 (C) (3)
Organization sponsored by the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity. Our EIN number is 93-2455812. The contribution you make is completely tax-deductible.
Please Support
2024-2025 Concert Series​
We offer several levels of sponsorship for your consideration:
1 Concert Series Level: $200.00 (Bronze)
Two tickets to October concert (October 13, Diana Shapiro’s Piano Trio)
Recognition at first concert in October AND recognition on website for contribution
2 Concert Series Level: $400.00(Silver)
Four tickets to concert of choice
Recognition before 2 concerts (October 13 and December 15)
Recognition on website for contribution AND message within 2 concert programs
3 Concert Series Level: $600.00(Gold)
Six tickets to Concerts of choice (with Reserved Seating)
Recognition before 3 concerts (Oct.13, Dec.15 and Mar.15)
Recognition on website for contribution AND message within 3 concert programs
4 Concert Series Level: $800.00(Platinum)
Eight tickets to concerts of choice (with reserved seating)
Recognition before all concerts AND recognition on website for contribution AND message within all 4 concert programs
To make a donation, please send a check to 6751 Calumet Ave., Manitowoc, WI 54220. All contributions are tax-deductible, and you will receive a receipt for your records.
We appreciate your consideration of this request and any support you choose to provide. Together, we can create a memorable concert series that will enrich our community and leave a lasting impact and transforms the ordinary.
Thank you for your time and generosity. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to contact Charyce at 920-645-6561.
The 2024-2025 Concert Series season includes four concerts, featuring a variety of musical genres and artists. This season will begin with Diana Shapiro and her trio, the Music Mosaics Piano Trio (October Oct. 13 at 3:00 pm). The trio presents romantic, late-romantic, and 20th century music. We will celebrate Christmas with the beautiful tradition of Lessons and Carols with a ‘little’ audience participation during the Sounds of Christmas (Dec.15 at 3:00 pm). Our guest artists in March (Mar. 15 at 2:00 pm) are the Wisconsin Brass Quintet. The musicians will perform premium brass chamber music. The final concert in April (Apr. 27 at 3:00 pm) is dedicated to the Holocaust Remembrance Day and 80 years of liberation of Auschwitz, Nazi’s concentration camp in Poland. The audience will hear music composed by Jewish musicians who were killed in the concentration camps or who were Holocaust survivors.
We are currently in our fourth season of hosting a Concert Series. Each year we offer new and exceptional performances for the Lakeshore communities. It is very enriching and stimulating to learn more from these diverse artists of all ages, from various parts of the United States or from abroad.
However, it is impossible to provide high quality Concert Series performances at the Franciscan Center without the support of generous donors. Your contribution will directly impact the feasibility to sustain the Concert Series. By supporting this, you not only help bring cultural events to the Lakeshore Community but you also help develop culture and education for concert attendees of young families and future generation to come.
We have two endowments through the Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Green Bay, Inc. They are the following:
1. Franciscan Center for Music Education and Performance Endowment. The purpose of the endowment is to provide support and assistance to the Franciscan Center for Music Education and Performance by providing additional support for its operations, maintenance, capital requirements, and continued existence.
2. Holy Family Conservatory of Music Scholarship Endowment. The purpose of the endowment is to provide tuition and program fee scholarships to students enrolled at Holy Family Conservatory of Music. Additional gifts are most welcome.
The Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Green Bay, Inc.
PO Box 22128,
Green Bay, WI 54305
The Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Green Bay, Inc.
Ministry of Franciscan Center for Music Education and Performance Endowment
Ministry of Holy Family Conservatory of Music Scholarship Endowment
Thank you so much for considering a donation! Your generosity is needed and appreciated!
Franciscan Music Center
Named Rooms and Spaces
Bob & Pat Endries Hall named in honor of the Bob & Pat Endries Family Foundation
464-seat performance hall, total audience capacity 500 with loge seating
Ariens Atrium named in honor of Michael & Mimi Ariens & Family
Capacity 200 seated for banquets
Zemke-Daniel Rehearsal Hall
A gift from Alexa Maland named in honor of Katinka Daniel
Main Entrance (northwest corner)
named in honor of Gerald G. & Mary Jeanne Censky
Holy Family Conservatory Entrance
named in honor of the Frank G. and Frieda K. Brotz Family Foundation, Inc.
Lake’s Edge Gallery (hallway inside the Holy Family Conservatory Entrance)
named in honor of Charles J. Deibele & Denise Ristow Deibele
Commissioned art piece “The Canticle of the Creatures” oil on canvas painted by Sister Mariella Erdmann, OSF, MFA, Professor of Art and Director of the Art Program.
A gift from the Lee & Eileen Kummer Family in honor of Sister Cecilia Byrns, former 47-year faculty member of Holy Family Conservatory of Music.
Major Capital Campaign Donors
LEAD DONOR - Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity
DISTINGUISHED BENEFACTOR ($1,500,000+) - Bob & Pat Endries Family Foundation
BENEFACTOR ($250,000+) - Michael & Mimi Ariens & Family
PARTNER LEVEL ($100,000+):
Frank G. and Frieda K. Brotz Family Foundation, Inc.
Gerald G. & Mary Jeanne Censky
Charles J. Deibele & Denise Ristow Deibele
Sister Ann Mary Hart Family
Lee & Eileen Kummer Family
Sargento Foods, Inc.
Ruth St. John & John Dunham West Foundation​